What is UParty?

UParty is Simple.

You vote for us and we'll vote for you. UParty representatives do not decide how to vote on legislation. Rather, they let you decide how they will vote on legislation.

UParty is You.

UParty has only one ideology; your ideology. UParty has only one opinion; your opinion. UParty has only one choice; your choice.

How does UParty Work?

Step 1 ) You elect a UParty Rep to office in your district.
Step 2 ) You get to choose what actions your UParty Rep takes while in office: How they vote, what bills they bring up, etc.

How do I get to Choose?

UParty Reps do not get to choose how they will vote while in office; you do. Precisely how a UParty Rep will go about determining the will of their constituents is what UParty Reps campaign on. UParty primary elections allow voters to choose which UParty candidate they believe has the best method for achieving this.

How Can I Be Sure My UParty Rep will Act on my Vote?

UParty Reps are required to act based on what their constituents vote for them to carry-out. This is the premise underlying the entire party. A UParty Rep who does not follow-through on the certified votes of their constituents will not only destroy their chances of re-election but will also be hit with a coordinated recall attempt to remove them from office. UParty Reps do not hold office to dictate their own political agenda. They hold office solely to be a standard-bearer for the opinion of their constituents. That isn't just an honor; that's what they are paid by the American people to do.

Basic Info

Founded January 31st, 2014
Colors      Blue  &       Red
Political Spectrum Up
Slogans "Vote for Yourself!"
"First-Party Politics"
"I ❤ U!"
"Wake UP America!"
"No Left, No Right, Just UP"